Comilla Victoria Govt. College HSC Admission 2013-14+Result | BDJOBNEWS24.COM
HSC Admission in Comilla Victoria Govt. College in Science, Humanities and Business studies group has been started from 18 May 2013.
Download Circular: Click Here
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Comilla Victoria Govt. College official site:
Shifts available: Only one shift (N)
Medium of Teaching: Bangla version
Go to your Teletalk Prepaid Mobile SMS option and do the following:
CAD<space>EIIN of Comilla Victoria College<space>First letter of desired group (Science-S, Business Studies-B, Humanities-H)<space>First 3 Letters of SSC Board<space>SSC Roll No<space>SSC Passing Year<space>Shift<space>Version<space>Quota
And Send to 16222.
Example: CAD 105822 S COM 123456 2013 N B FQ
EIIN of Comilla Victoria Govt. College=105822
S= First letter of Science group (For Humanities-H, Business Studies-B)
COM= First 3 letters of SSC Board
2013= SSC Passing Year
N= No shift available,
B= First letter for Bangla version
FQ= Freedom fighter quota (Nothing should be mentioned if quota is not applicable for you)
In reply SMS: Name of Applicant, EIIN of College with name, Group and Shit will be mentioned along with the amount to be charged with a PIN no.
If you agree to the application go to SMS option and send the second message like below:
CAD<space>Yes<space>PIN<space>Contact Number (any operator currently in use mobile no.) and send to 16222.
Contact Details of Comilla Victoria Govt. College:
Phone: 88-081-65988; 68463 Ex 101 (Degree section), 65245 (HSC)
Fax: 88-081-71161; email:
Comilla Victoria Govt. College HSC Admission for the session 2013-14
Comilla Victoria Govt. College is one of the highly preferred colleges to HSC Admission candidates. Comilla Victoria Govt. College stands within best 10 positions each year in HSC public Examination held under Comilla Education Board.HSC Admission in Comilla Victoria Govt. College in Science, Humanities and Business studies group has been started from 18 May 2013.
Download Circular: Click Here
View Image below:
Comilla Victoria Govt. College official site:
Shifts available: Only one shift (N)
Medium of Teaching: Bangla version
Seats available in Comilla Victoria Govt. College:
- Science: 450 (Ka, Kha and Ga section)
- Business Studies: 1600 (Ka, Kha and Ga section)
- Humanities: 300 (Ka and Kha section)
Minimum requirements for application:
- Science: GPA 4.50
- Business Studies: GPA 4.00
- Humanities: GPA 3.00.
Other Eligibilities:
- Candidates would have been passed SSC in the year 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Time Frame for HSC Admission in Comilla Victoria Govt. College
- Time for application through SMS: 18 May 2013 to 06 June 2013
- Class Starts: 01 July 2013.
Comilla Victoria Govt. College HSC Admission Result 2013:
Primary selected candidates list will be published on 16 June 2013 on Comilla Education board Website and on Comilla Victoria Govt. College website to Apply for Admission in Comilla Victoria Govt. College by SMS:
Go to your Teletalk Prepaid Mobile SMS option and do the following:
CAD<space>EIIN of Comilla Victoria College<space>First letter of desired group (Science-S, Business Studies-B, Humanities-H)<space>First 3 Letters of SSC Board<space>SSC Roll No<space>SSC Passing Year<space>Shift<space>Version<space>Quota
And Send to 16222.
EIIN of Comilla Victoria Govt. College=105822
S= First letter of Science group (For Humanities-H, Business Studies-B)
COM= First 3 letters of SSC Board
2013= SSC Passing Year
N= No shift available,
B= First letter for Bangla version
FQ= Freedom fighter quota (Nothing should be mentioned if quota is not applicable for you)
In reply SMS: Name of Applicant, EIIN of College with name, Group and Shit will be mentioned along with the amount to be charged with a PIN no.
If you agree to the application go to SMS option and send the second message like below:
CAD<space>Yes<space>PIN<space>Contact Number (any operator currently in use mobile no.) and send to 16222.
Contact Details of Comilla Victoria Govt. College:
Phone: 88-081-65988; 68463 Ex 101 (Degree section), 65245 (HSC)
Fax: 88-081-71161; email: