IDB-BISEW Vocational Training Scholarship Round-3
Islamic Development Bank - Bangladesh Islamic Solidarity Educational Waqf (IDB-BISEW) has invited application for Vocational Training Scholarship. This application is for Round-3
Last Date of Application: 02 May 2013
Details on Website:

Name of Trades and duration:
1. Welding and Fabrication: 6 Months2. Plumbing and Pipe Fitting: 6 Months
3. Electrical works: 6 Months
4. Refrigeration and Airconditioning: 6 Months
5. Machinist: 6 Months
6. Carpentry: 6 Months
7. Electronics: 6 Months
Criteria of IDB-BISEW Training Program:
- Ensuring adequate training to make trainees prepared for jobs.
- Direct supervision under IDB-BISEW.
- Assist trainees for job
SSC/Dakhil Passed in 2010 or before.
Application Form for IDB-BISEW Vocational Training:
Available at any branch of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited at the cost of BDT. 50/-.
Contact Details:
IDB-BISEWIDB Bhaban (4th Floor), Sher-e-Bangla Nagr, Dhaka-1207
Telephone: 9183004, 9183005
Cell: 01779 896277