National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh website:
Result for the Honours First year admission test Under National University ( for the academic session 2012-13 has been published on 26/12/2012 at 10.00 PM.
The result is available on the official site of National University and on Our site
The Honours admission test was held on 06 December 2012, Thursday.
Admission Notice: 1,57,144 out of all passed candidates are allocated different subjects according to their choice. They are instructed to get admitted within 01/01/2013 to 10/01/2013 in the specific college.
NU Admission Form: It will be available on National University admission website from 01 January 2013 onwards.
Check the National university Honours result on their website below just entering your roll no.
National University result by SMS:
You can also know your NU first year admission test result by sending a simple sms from any operator mobile phone. Follow this instruction:
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Exam statistics of NU Admission Test 2012:
- Total college Under National University: 427
- Total exam center: 155
Group wise statistics:
- Science group: Total applicant-53378 , Applicants appeared the exam- 51313, Passed candidates- 46120
- Commerce group: Total applicant- 174742, Applicants appeared the exam- 171005, Passed candidates-101779
- Humanities group: Total applicant- 173254, Applicants appeared the exam-170850 , Passed candidates-143941
- All groups: Total applicant-401374, Applicants appeared the exam- 393168, Passed candidates-291840