Exam date & Instruction, Valid & Reject List for the post Asst.Engineer(Civil),Dept. of Public Health & Engineering ,LGED has been published by Bangladesh Public Service Commission.
Exam date: 27/07/2012 Friday 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM
Time span: 3 Hours
Exam Format: Written 200 marks
Venue: Mohammadpur Govt. High School, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Important instructions for candidates:
- Candidates must arrive exam hall 15 minutes before exam starts. No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall 15 minutes after the exam starts. No candidates will be permitted to leave the exam hall for any emergency within 1st hour.
- Four answer paper will be given at a time for four different subjects. Each for Bangla (75 marks), English (75 marks), General Knowledge (25 marks)and relevant Technical subjects(25). Use separate answer paper for individual question papers.
- Lithocode codes must be filled up properly
- No mobile phone, scientific calculator, bags or books will be allowed to be brought to exam center.
- Admit card: Admit cards for the exam has already been sent to respective candidates by post. If someone didn't get it he is instructed to make a general diary in nearby police station and bring the GD copy with two passport size photograph to PSC head quarter (Unit-1) to collect a duplicate admit card.
- Candidates will be penalized if any substantial faults are observed.
view the full instruction as image here:

Valid and Reject candidates list:
BPSC has already published a huge list of valid and reject candidates list. Please download the PDF copy of the valid and reject candidates list from the following download link.