Friday, December 14, 2012

New Routine and Seat Plan of 33rd

Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) has brought some changes in the written exam schedule of 33rd BCS. Exam will start from 19th December instead of 18th.

33rd BCS New Written Exam RoutineDownload PDF 

33rd BCS New Written Exam Seat PlanDownload PDF 

Highlights of the routine:

Compulsory Subjects:

19/12/2012- Mathematics and IQ(Morning) and International affairs

20/12/2012- Bangladesh Affairs 1st part (Morning) and Bangladesh Affairs 2nd Part (Afternoon)

23/12/2012- Bangla 1st Paper(for both general and technical cadre) in Morning and General Science and Technology (For General Cadre only) in the afternoon

24/12/2012- English 1st Part (Morning) and Second Part (Afternoon)

26/12/2012- Bangla Second Part (for General Cadre only) in the afternoon.


Job Related Subjects:
30/12/2012- Medical Science first paper in the morning and second paper in the afternoon
New Routine and seat plan of 33 bcs

Seat Plan of 33rd BCS:

New Routine and seat plan of 33 bcs

New Routine and seat plan of 33 bcs

New Routine and seat plan of 33 bcs

New Routine and seat plan of 33 bcs

Instructions Regarding examination:

  1. candidates should fill up 6 digit registration no. carefully

  2. Admit card: No new admit card will be issued. Admit card for preliminary examination will do.

  3. Mobile, bags, Electric device and programmable calculators are strictly prohibited in the exam hall.

  4. Candidates who reach exam hall 15 minutes after examination starts will not be allowed to sit for the exam.

  5. For handicapped candidates:  The amanuensis  must  be of a lower grade of education  than the candidate  and must not be attached to the institution to which the candidate  belongs."


Written By : Dr. Mahmud // Friday, December 14, 2012


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